
The magic..

April 10, 2017


There is a special sort of magic, a special category of wonder.. in the changing of a season. How can nature pull off this feat so magnificently? How can it take us from the beauty of a winter’s day, with its lovely, glistening snow to a spring day that is alive with fresh new flowering blossoms… and in the process transform one’s entire frame of mind? How can one day make such a difference in how we feel? The world around us becomes entirely different.. fresh and new, full of life.
I had forgotten about the magic of springtime. I hadn’t experienced it for awhile. I hadn’t felt this perfect feeling of joy and exuberance for quite some time.. and its special excitement took me by surprise. I, this person who has witnessed my share of years, my share of many seasons.. had missed this special joy for awhile.
But sometimes, missing a certain something for awhile can make our sense of joy greater.. when that certain something is experienced once again. Sometimes, perhaps.. it is good to experience some time away from all that we have taken for granted. And sometimes, perhaps, it is good to just feel a certain way.. joyful, alive, thankful.. and simply treasure that feeling for as long as it lasts.
Each new season brings its special sort of magic.. its own glorious share of beauty and wonder. And it is a joy to be able to experience it all. But, right now, I shall enjoy and celebrate all of the wonders of this beautiful season of Spring.

~ Carole Carter – words and photograph

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