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Using What I Have..

Springtime has arrived.. finally. It was very slow to come this year. There were so many dreary days of cold and rain. It seemed as though warmer temperatures and sunshine would never return. But slowly, the trees began to bud, and the daffodils and…

May 20, 2019

A special sweetness.. A special call.

With the unfolding of the years, there has come a certain peace that has settled itself into my being. Peace.. in knowing who I am and what I stand for. Peace.. in being so very thankful for all of the love I’ve been so…

March 31, 2019

Favorite place..

Just to sit awhile.. with the peaceful sound of waves washing into shore, whispering their own tales to each of us who are listening.. It is the favorite place for one who dreams and hopes.. for one who loves solitude and peace.. for one…

January 30, 2019


Our lives are a series of moments.. special moments, moments that are wonderful, moments that aren’t so wonderful, moments that have special meaning, ordinary everyday kinds of moments, moments when we feel an enormous amount of love, moments when we feel especially connected to…

July 20, 2018


I struggle, so often.. with finding the truths. The truths.. in this world where humans dominate. For it is here where so much of what seems to find its way to being predominant are often approximations of the truth. I sometimes wish that I…

June 21, 2018

Family, the special bond..

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been feeling so very grateful. And so full of thoughts and memories and love.. After having our daughters and their husbands and our six grandchildren together for Mother’s Day, my heart is full. It was so wonderful…

May 25, 2018

Moving forward..

And so today is the last day of this year.. a year that has been very good to me. A year when I’ve experienced so many lovely moments, when I’ve been blessed enough to enjoy good health and share a great deal of love…

December 31, 2017

Welcome home..

Tonight, as I cleaned up after dinner and swept my floors.. moving beyond the kitchen and into the dining room and entry hall, I happened to catch a glimpse outside my front window. Shining from across the street, through the cold November evening darkness,…

November 17, 2017

With such great love and pride..

As we grow older, we can begin to look back on our lives and think about those things.. and those people.. who are most precious to us. Oftentimes, some of us can get through an entire lifetime without expressing certain important things to those…

November 4, 2017