
By the Edge of the Sea

September 10, 2015


I had been yearning for that special feeling, that special time… of being by the edge of the sea once again. It had been so hot for so long. So many days of heat and hot sun and feeling trapped and stale… Feeling the need to breathe again, to feel the breezes of the sea air upon my face, to feel alive and free.
What is it within me that craves this experience… the feel of the sand beneath my feet, the sound of the breaking waves, the feel of the salty air as it brushes across my face?
Mother nature somehow knew, and she did not disappoint. In her most glorious manner, she spoke to me. She found me there at the edge of the water. She pulled me in with her intoxicating charm and bathed my soul in her sweet mysterious loveliness. She let me breathe once again. She silenced the deafening noise of the craziness of the world. She washed away the insignificant cares and concerns that had trapped me for too long. She refreshed my being with new life, new energy, new peace.
For me, being by the edge of the sea is… finding myself once again. It is feeling a deeper connection with nature and with my creator. It is understanding that I am just one small being in this vast universe. It is reminding myself that my small concerns are indeed very tiny compared with the deeper concerns of others who share this earth. It is seeing far beyond my own small world. It is reflecting upon the past and opening my mind to new answers. It is trusting and believing. It is renewing my faith. It is feeling comfort and freedom and peace…

~ Carole Carter – words and photograph

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  • Reply Linda Aavang September 10, 2015 at 2:22 am

    Oh how I love the ocean. I miss San Diego where my daughter lived only a few blocks from the ocean.

    • Reply Carole Carter September 10, 2015 at 2:16 pm

      I love it too! I wonder if I would begin to take it for granted if I lived near it all the time. I would like to try to live there for part of the year…

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