
Family – Hold Onto the Ties That Bind Us

June 10, 2015


Family… can be our source of greatest strength and joy, our refuge from the storms of life, the tie that binds us to our core existence. Yet often times we can overlook its special and unique beauty in this crazy world of ours. In our mobile and ever-changing society family members often become scattered in so many different places and it becomes difficult to stay in touch, to see one another, to communicate, to relate… Yet our ties are indisputable – and it is our responsibility – each of us – to seek to hold onto those ties that bind us…

To hold our family members close in our hearts, for time and circumstance can blur the ties that keep our hearts and minds connected.

To rejoice in the similarities between us, yet also celebrate the differences – the unique characteristics that make each one of us special.

To support one another in each of our individual endeavors and to appreciate one another’s talents and special gifts.

To respect one another for the choices that we have all made in this life and to seek to understand and accept one another for who we have each become.

Yes, the bond of family is a special bond… Yet at times it can become fragile and delicate. It can easily be torn apart and destroyed. At its best, it can be a beautiful blend of love, loyalty, trust and understanding.

Let us seek to keep the flame of love and honor alive. Let us respect one another, and in doing so respect and honor those who have come before us as well as those who shall follow. Let us love one another –  each interesting, unique and kindred spirit that we call “family”. Let us laugh and cry together, celebrate and rejoice.  Let us support one another in this life…

For we are Family, and that is something beautiful.

~ Carole Carter – words and photograph

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