
Finding the Beauty in Everyday Moments

May 7, 2015

DSC02919Each of our lives is a series of experiences – a collection of unique and special moments, all with their own share of emotion and influence, bound together in a treasured scrapbook of sorts. Each of the pages is beautifully personalized. Collectively, it is the story of Us – our history, where we came from, who we are, and what we’re becoming – a narrative and an autobiography which includes all that has happened in our past and all that is happening to us every day, even in this very moment. And it is gloriously ever changing. Most of us have had experiences in our lives that have not been so positive – times we would rather forget – pages in the scrapbook we would prefer to eliminate. Yet all of our experiences, both the positive and the negative, have contributed to the person we are today. Each of us has a story. And each story is beautiful.

I am at a point in my own story where I have come to appreciate the small things in life more fully – the everyday little moments of beauty that make an ordinary day more special… the song of a bird, the blooming of a flower, the sweet hugs of my grandchildren. I am not sure exactly when or how this feeling of deeper appreciation began to make an impact on my life. I believe that as we grow older we begin to more fully appreciate the special moments of every single day. Perhaps we know that the days ahead of us are not as plentiful as they once were. Or perhaps this feeling of appreciation is a gift that God bestows upon us in our “seasoned” years. However it has come to me, I am thankful. I choose to appreciate and celebrate the positive moments in my life. I count my blessings with more passion, I hear more and see more of the beauty around me and appreciate the wonder of God’s creation. I love more deeply and cherish the love of my family and dear friends more fervently. God gives us the gift of so many special, beautiful moments – all around us – every single day. It is my hope that you will listen, that you will see, that you will feel, and that you will appreciate the beauty of each glorious moment in your own life. We all lead busy lives and it isn’t easy to take the time to look more closely, listen more carefully, or feel more deeply, but life goes by pretty quickly. It is my belief that if we can try to appreciate and savor some of the little special moments, our spirits will be enriched and our lives will have more meaning.

I hope to share thoughts and inspirations, not only from my own experience, but from those of you who would like to share your own stories, reflections and experiences. Please join me – come listen with me, come see, come laugh, and at times, come weep with me. Let us discover new horizons and perhaps find new hope and new answers for ourselves and the world around us. Let us fill each of our special scrapbooks of life with new, glorious memories of beautiful moments.. and share the joy!DSC00864

~ Carole  Carter – words and photograph

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  • Reply Anonymous May 7, 2015 at 2:51 pm
  • Reply Linda Aavang May 11, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    I knew this would be spectacular. Lovely posts. looking forward to your inspiring words and photos.

  • Reply May 11, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    Thank you, Linda. I appreciate your support!

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